Tomato Plants Update (2.5 months old)

Cherry Tomatoes: Maskotka

The plants are now 2.5 months old and are doing well, dispute the cold weather. I picked off my first Cherry Tomato and I gave it to my mother and she gave me the seal of approval. 🙂 I don’t like eating Tomatoes and I just like growing them. It’s fun and every time I grow them from seeds, I’m fascinated at how fast they grow. The cool thing about my plants is that they’re ORGANIC. 😀

If you want to grow Cherry Tomatoes in Kuwait, I suggest “Maskotka” as they adapt very well to our weather, grow fast, and produce lots of yummy tomatoes. This is my second year growing this type.


Tomato: Juliet



I’m also experimenting with regular tomatoes such as Garden’s delight, Juliet, etc.





You can look at the pictures below:


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1 Response to Tomato Plants Update (2.5 months old)

  1. Maria says:

    wau…………….. great!!!
    i have organic balcony garden n now try to plant tomato maskotka.
    i got real pict from your web than pict on packaging hehehe…..

    so happy see them bear fruit, i couldn’t wait for ripe.

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