A day in Estonia!

Viru Gates: Entry of The Old Town

In July 2011, I went to Estonia for a half day. We boarded a ferry from Helsinki (Finland)  to Tallinn which is the capital of Estonia. The duration of the ferry trip was 1.5 hours so it was nice. We went in the morning and returned at night.  It was a quick fun trip. We visited the Old town in Tallinn. It had many cafes & souvenir shops. No cars can go in Old Town so I had fun walking and exploring the area.  I also bought Matryoshka dolls (Russian nesting dolls, see picture below) so it was pretty cool. If you are ever in Helsinki, you really should visit Old town in Tallinn from morning until night. It’s less 2 hours away by Ferry. Definitely worth a visit!

Matryoshka doll

Never heard of Estonia?  Well join the club. I hadn’t heard of Estonia until I was talking to the Tourist information office in Helsinki. Here is some info: Estonia is a country in Northern Europe. They’ve recently joined European Union so you can visit them with  Schengen visa and their currency was changed to Euro in early 2011.

Click here to see more pictures of Tallinn

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